速報APP / 娛樂 / Graffiti Me!™

Graffiti Me!™



檔案大小:92.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Graffiti Me!™(圖1)-速報App

Former No. 1 Paid Photography app in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Egypt, Panama, Russia, Belguim, South Africa, Netherlands, Bulgaria and Kuwait!


From the makers of "Sketch Me!" comes are our beautiful new App "Graffiti Me!".

Turn your photos into awesome graffiti with Graffiti Me!

It's taken a long long time, and after many many user requests, we are very proud to have Graffiti Me! officially launched on the AppStore!!!

What people are saying:

Graffiti Me!™(圖2)-速報App

"I got a sneak peak at Graffiti Me! before launch, its awesome! I've always loved these developers applications, I was a big Sketch Me! fan...and I've have really been looking forward to what these guys were going to do next....and they didn't disappoint!" - Appheads101


Main Features:

- Supports Facebook, Twitter and e-mail so you can easily share your graffiti with your friends, as well as save them to your iPhone.

- Features an easy-to-use interface. You can use your finger to move an image around on the screen to find its best position. You can also zoom in and out through the pinch gesture.

- Auto Paint mode (as shown in screenshots), this is where the user can add adjustable paint filters to the photo.

Graffiti Me!™(圖3)-速報App

- Adjustable threshold parameters mean that you can have extra control over how the graffiti effect turns out.

- Allows includes 'Custom Paint' mode, use your finger to spray paint areas of your photo.

- Incluses 'Tag My Work' feature. Tag your masterpiece, so everyone knows your work!


We will continue to add great new features, we have loads of ideas!

The Graffiti Me! effect can be applied to any image. Best results are obtained by using a picture with good contrast.

Graffiti Me!™(圖4)-速報App

Please send all feedback and suggestions to support@bluebeartech.com. We love to hear your ideas.

Graffiti Me!™(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad